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How this blog came about...

December 28th, 2023

Closing out 2023, I realized a lot of the times I keep my ideas and thoughts to myself way too often. Doing so, I lose out a lot of important learnings that I found about my hobbies or just important life lessons in general.

So as a small resolution for 2024, I created this blog to encourage myself to talk more about the stuff I love and be more vocal in my progression in life and hobbies! It's also a good habit to help me reflect on life a bit too!

I'm hoping to use this as a platform to talk about pretty much anything that comes up on my mind and needs way more words than a single Twitter post can explain. I was also just really bored during my PTO and I wanted to create a minimal type blog just for teaching myself Next JS and utilizing the cool things that MDX has to offer.

If you somehow stumbled across my site, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this or literally anything on here!